Soba Urn 26 H  (R) Soba Urn 26 H (R)
Item FS60188
20.0"W 20.0"D 26.0"H
Smooth Strap Urn 15 Smooth Strap Urn 15
Item FS0108
21.0"W 21.0"D 15.0"H
Sm.Fluted Urn 22 H  (R) Sm.Fluted Urn 22 H (R)
Item F60119
18.0"W 18.0"D 22.0"H
Sm.Fluted Urn 22 H  (R) Sm.Fluted Urn 22 H (R)
Item FS60119
18.0"W 18.0"D 22.0"H
Six Lion Head Urn Six Lion Head Urn
Item F60191
17.0"W 17.0"D 11.0"H
Six Lion Head Urn Six Lion Head Urn
Item FS60191
17.0"W 17.0"D 11.0"H
Sicilian Oil Jar 1# 28 Sicilian Oil Jar 1# 28
Item FSPM1323
18.0"W 18.0"D 28.0"H
Sicilian Oil Jar #2 36H Sicilian Oil Jar #2 36H
Item FSPM1322
30.0"W 30.0"D 36.0"H
Round Prarie Pot 17 Round Prarie Pot 17
Item FS098
27.0"W 27.0"D 17.0"H
Round Pot Under Ornate 20 Round Pot Under Ornate 20
Item F094
21.0"W 21.0"D 20.0"H
Round Pot Under Ornate 20 Round Pot Under Ornate 20
Item FS094
21.0"W 21.0"D 20.0"H
Round Basket Lg 22 Round Basket Lg 22
Item FS60226
22.0"W 22.0"D 22.0"H
Rough Hewn Bowl #4 20 H Rough Hewn Bowl #4 20 H
Item FS8207
19.0"W 19.0"D 20.0"H
Rough Hewn Bowl #3 15H Rough Hewn Bowl #3 15H
Item FS8206
11.0"W 11.0"D 15.0"H
Rosebud (Open) 17 Rosebud (Open) 17
Item FS7787
12.0"W 12.0"D 17.0"H
Roman Water Urn Roman Water Urn
Item HF9622
7.0"W 8.0"D 20.0"H
Roma Urn  20 Roma Urn 20
Item HF6786
16.0"W 16.0"D 20.0"H
Robbia Angel Planter 24 Robbia Angel Planter 24
Item F8409
17.0"W 17.0"D 24.0"H
Robbia Angel Planter 24 Robbia Angel Planter 24
Item FS8409
17.0"W 17.0"D 24.0"H
Riviera Pot Med. Riviera Pot Med.
Item F62791-17
17.5"W 17.5"D 17.5"H
Riviera Pot Med. Riviera Pot Med.
Item FS62791-17
17.5"W 17.5"D 17.5"H
Riviera Pot 25 H Riviera Pot 25 H
Item FS62019
24.0"W 24.0"D 24.0"H
Ribbon Vase 19 Ribbon Vase 19
Item FS8214
10.0"W 10.0"D 19.0"H
Rectangular panel planter 20"" Rectangular panel planter 20""
Item F60335
36.5"W 13.0"D 20.0"H
Rectangular panel planter 20"" Rectangular panel planter 20""
Item FS60335
36.5"W 13.0"D 20.0"H
Ram Head Urn (2 Sides) 29 H Ram Head Urn (2 Sides) 29 H
Item F6176
10.0"W 23.0"D 29.0"H
Ram And Garland Urn 31 Ram And Garland Urn 31
Item F34004
20.0"W 20.0"D 31.0"H
Ram And Garland Urn 31 Ram And Garland Urn 31
Item FS34004
20.0"W 20.0"D 31.0"H
Rabbit Planter Rabbit Planter
Item F789
15.0"W 26.0"D 10.0"H
Rabbit Planter Rabbit Planter
Item FS789
15.0"W 26.0"D 10.0"H