David By Bernini David By Bernini
Item F69488
12.0"W 8.0"D 20.0"H
Danseuse De La Bibioteque 51 Danseuse De La Bibioteque 51
Item FS56
19.0"W 18.0"D 51.0"H
Dancing Faunus Pompeii 31 Dancing Faunus Pompeii 31
Item F6173B
14.0"W 12.0"D 31.0"H
Dancing Faunus 31  Grb Dancing Faunus 31 Grb
Item F6173A
14.0"W 12.0"D 31.0"H
Dancing Faunus 19 Dancing Faunus 19
Item F69446
8.0"W 9.0"D 19.0"H
Chubby Greek Pan 14 Chubby Greek Pan 14
Item FS68394
7.0"W 8.0"D 14.0"H
Chubby Greek Pan 14 Chubby Greek Pan 14
Item F68394
7.0"W 8.0"D 14.0"H
Cherub Termini 64 Cherub Termini 64
Item F69866
11.0"W 10.0"D 64.0"H
Cecilia Statue Planter 55 Cecilia Statue Planter 55
Item FS8003
19.0"W 19.0"D 55.0"H
Cantoria Drum Frieze 20 Cantoria Drum Frieze 20
Item F6666
0.0"W 0.0"D 20.0"H
Caesar Youth Mask Caesar Youth Mask
Item DC274
8.0"W 6.0"D 10.0"H
Caesar Augustus 83 Caesar Augustus 83
Item FDS150
41.0"W 32.0"D 83.0"H
Caesar Augustus 83 Caesar Augustus 83
Item FSDS150
41.0"W 32.0"D 83.0"H
Boy with Thorn 33 Boy with Thorn 33
Item F33
22.0"W 22.0"D 33.0"H
Birth Of Venus-Santini 17 H Birth Of Venus-Santini 17 H
Item 100570
7.0"W 4.0"D 17.0"H
Bacchantes & Bull Bacchantes & Bull
Item F259
39.5"W 4.0"D 27.0"H
Bacchanale Enfant 25 Bacchanale Enfant 25
Item FS68406
16.0"W 10.0"D 25.0"H
Bacchanale Enfant 25 Bacchanale Enfant 25
Item F68406
16.0"W 10.0"D 25.0"H
Augustus Caesar Augustus Caesar
Item F6170
17.0"W 10.0"D 29.0"H
Atlas Table Lg. Atlas Table Lg.
Item F49141
16.0"W 14.0"D 36.0"H
Atlas Holding Sphere Atlas Holding Sphere
Item F9387
6.0"W 5.0"D 15.0"H
Atlante Right Atlante Right
Item F7872
14.0"W 15.0"D 46.0"H
Athenian Caryatid 2 Sided 78 Athenian Caryatid 2 Sided 78
Item F68099
15.0"W 15.0"D 78.0"H
Athenian Caryatid 2 Sided 78 Athenian Caryatid 2 Sided 78
Item FS68099
15.0"W 15.0"D 78.0"H
Athenian Caryatid 1 Sided 78 Athenian Caryatid 1 Sided 78
Item F68102
15.0"W 15.0"D 78.0"H
Athenian Caryatid 1 Sided 78 Athenian Caryatid 1 Sided 78
Item FS68102
15.0"W 15.0"D 78.0"H
Apollo of Hunt with Dog 108 Apollo of Hunt with Dog 108
Item F6803
42.0"W 29.0"D 108.0"H
Apollo of Hunt with Dog 108 Apollo of Hunt with Dog 108
Item FS6803
42.0"W 29.0"D 108.0"H
Apollo Of Hunt with Dog  43 Apollo Of Hunt with Dog 43
Item F6835
16.0"W 10.0"D 43.0"H
Apollo Belvedere Apollo Belvedere
Item F3
26.0"W 16.0"D 37.0"H