David Standing  81 David Standing 81
Item FS1108
30.0"W 19.0"D 81.0"H
Crocus By Borgeson 64 Crocus By Borgeson 64
Item FS581
27.0"W 17.0"D 64.0"H
Caesar Augustus 83 Caesar Augustus 83
Item FDS150
41.0"W 32.0"D 83.0"H
Caesar Augustus 83 Caesar Augustus 83
Item FSDS150
41.0"W 32.0"D 83.0"H
Augustus Caesar Augustus Caesar
Item F6170
17.0"W 10.0"D 29.0"H
Atlante Right Atlante Right
Item F7872
14.0"W 15.0"D 46.0"H
Athenian Caryatid 2 Sided 78 Athenian Caryatid 2 Sided 78
Item F68099
15.0"W 15.0"D 78.0"H
Athenian Caryatid 2 Sided 78 Athenian Caryatid 2 Sided 78
Item FS68099
15.0"W 15.0"D 78.0"H
Athenian Caryatid 1 Sided 78 Athenian Caryatid 1 Sided 78
Item F68102
15.0"W 15.0"D 78.0"H
Athenian Caryatid 1 Sided 78 Athenian Caryatid 1 Sided 78
Item FS68102
15.0"W 15.0"D 78.0"H
Apollo Of Hunt with Dog 43 Apollo Of Hunt with Dog 43
Item FS6835
16.0"W 10.0"D 43.0"H
Apollo of Hunt with Dog 108 Apollo of Hunt with Dog 108
Item F6803
42.0"W 29.0"D 108.0"H
Apollo of Hunt with Dog 108 Apollo of Hunt with Dog 108
Item FS6803
42.0"W 29.0"D 108.0"H
Alexis Head Lg. 49 Alexis Head Lg. 49
Item F8452
37.0"W 0.0"D 49.0"H
Alexis Head Lg. 49 Alexis Head Lg. 49
Item FS8452
37.0"W 25.0"D 49.0"H